This is the official complaints channel of Agromart Balear S.L. Here you can report any irregularity or problem in the company anonymously.
To submit a complaint, click on the button and complete the form with the required information.
Create complaint
Fill in the form with the required information. Try to be as explicit as possible and provide any relevant details related to the incident to facilitate the work of the complaints channel manager.
You can also upload related documentation, as well as images, audio or videos.
Remember that you can make a complaint anonymously.
If you provide your information, you will receive an email with the complaint number to track it.
Tracking your complaint
If your complaint has been made anonymously, at the end of the process you will be provided with a complaint code.
This code, along with a password generated during the process, will allow you to check the status and data associated with your complaint, as well as communicate with the complaints channel manager.
If you have filled in the form with your information, we will send you both the complaint code and a link to access its tracking by email.