Agromart collaborates in the organization of the obstacle course ‘The Meadower OCR‘ 2022

On September 24 and 25, Colònia de Sant Pere, in the municipality of Artà, hosted the first edition of the obstacle course ‘The Meadower OCR’, in which almost 300 people participated.

The Meadower OCR
- Date: Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 September, 2022 at 08:30 a.m.
- Location: Artá (Balearic Islands)
- Distance: 8 km and 30 obstacles
- Modality: Obstacle races
The test was aimed at all those people over 16 years of age who want to run a race on foot overcoming various obstacles. In it the participants demonstrated their agility, strength, endurance and precision.
There was also a race for the youngest ones, from 5 to 15 years old: Meadow Kids.

In Agromart we hope that this edition will be the first of many more, since it was very fun, entertaining, varied and original. A high-quality race in spectacular scenery and with a fantastic atmosphere.
See you next time!