Everything needs its time, you can’t get ahead of the planting time and wait for the harvest to come out sooner.
Nature has a rhythm, and we must respect it, and know it. Patience is the acceptance that things can happen in a different order than you had in mind.

We are local farmers and we do integrated production, which is a quality food production system using methods that are respectful of human health and the environment, where the demands of quality and food safety demanded by consumers are met. responsible.
Integrated production is the set of “agricultural systems for obtaining plants that make the most of natural resources and production mechanisms and ensure long-term sustainable agriculture, and introduce biological control methods, chemicals and other techniques that they reconcile the demands of society, the protection of the environment and agricultural productivity, as well as the operations carried out to handle, package, transform and label plant products covered by the system.”
In the European Union it is officially regulated and each country applies its own regulations. Catalonia, the Valencian Country and the Balearic Islands each have their own, which can be different even if the basic concept is the same. Official affiliation to this system is voluntary and involves a series of obligations on the part of the farmer and controls by the administration. Consequently, it is forbidden, for example, to use the so-called treatment schedules to which, routinely depending on the time of year, fixed applications of agrochemicals are fixed whether the pest or disease actually occurs or not. The use of authorized chemical means must be done sparingly, by scrupulously following the instructions and disposing of waste in a controlled manner.
The specific objectives pursued by integrated production are the following:
- Get high quality products
- Protect the health of the producer and the consumer
- Apply environmentally friendly production processes
- Encourage the diversity of the agricultural ecosystem while respecting the native fauna and flora
- Justify and minimize the use of agrochemicals and waste
- To promote the conservative activity of the rural environment and the landscape
- Produce according to techniques that take into account technical and scientific knowledge
- Adapt to the intensive form of production of today’s agricultural companies, ensuring their economic viability.
- Carry out a correct management of natural resources
Unlike organic farming, integrated production uses, together with biological control methods, agrochemicals (fertilizers, pesticides) with certain restrictions. The objectives are respect for the environment, sustainability and offer certain guarantees of quality and health to consumers. In short, we seek to do everything possible with the resources available without endangering the fertility of the land. We are part of the earth and we must respect its cycles.
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