Here we are. The heat is coming and the cold is leaving. The serenity that freshness grants us will be replaced by the friendly and welcoming heat of summer. There is a time for everything: a time to plant and a time to harvest, a time to give and a time to receive from others.
Love is one of many things that we give and also receive. It is the cornerstone. It is not that we have become poets, we are farmers, but we believe, we feel that love is an energy that unites everything. We have long felt this “think global, act local” thing. It is a great idea, very beautiful for a t-shirt, or to put it on social networks, without a doubt, but sometimes we forget its essence, since in the daily struggle the rush, work, prices, stress mislead us , speed… So many things, so many fronts… It’s not easy, but we can get close.
We propose an evolution of this phrase:
“Feel the world globally: love locally.”
With this magazine you will be able -in addition to training your visual intelligence- to entertain yourself and discover the universe of healthy products that surrounds us. But let’s face it, not everything can be local. But if we are realistic, can’t we ask for the impossible? Nature disposes, and the latitudes mark the seasons, and all of this marks what can be cultivated, what is adapted to the climate in which we live. It is also true that this climate is changing… you already know that… and this is not alien to our development model as a society, this is an effect of excesses.
At this daily crossroads of your purchase decision, begins your personal responsibility. You are the one who sets this pattern, the trend, the one who has at hand to make a difference. We offer you a selection of our own products and those of other suppliers. Our own products are those that have been cultivated with care and love from our fields. Those from other suppliers have been chosen with care and attention. The final mix in the shopping cart is your selection.
We make decisions all the time: I like it or I don’t like it, I have enough or I don’t have enough, I stop or I dare… As in love, there are things that are not reasoned, but love should not be illogical. Metaphors help us to understand even an analogy what happens around us. And the love that each one experiences in his life, capillaries and extends to his actions.
The future is always uncertain, mysterious, but if our applied love is centered on a sensitive intelligence, very possibly we will be able to draw what is to come. The line will be marked by our attitudes and decisions. It is time to claim love for the territory, for the future, for the most 0 km model that we are capable of. It’s time for local love.
Health and joy!