We do not emerge from nothing, we are born in a specific home, thanks to the love of our family. l we are not born in the abstract, we are born in a concrete place, in spatial and temporal coordinates, with a concrete family, in a concrete society. It is not at all metaphysical, it is tremendously physical, rooted in the soil, in the territory. We are a tribe, but we tend to forget this reality.
We are the result of a slow and long evolution of species, and we have had to learn to live with them. In this coexistence, agriculture and animal husbandry arise, not from another reality. For this reason, without judging or interpreting anything, we are directly territory, we are a small piece of Mallorca, of the island. Under this thought, in addition to proving that we are just another organism, we can observe that this piece of territory that we are is not a rock, it is a part of the island that can make decisions.
Our decisions gradually shape the appearance of the place where we live and grow.

This same process happens in the fields of cultivation, in the farms, in the different places where the things we consume and need are produced. Doing so in a balanced way is something we as consumers must exercise. To consume differently is to consume in balance. The meaning of all this is our children and their future. And that of all the (cultivated) biodiversity that surrounds us, both on this island and in the rest of the world.
We are a piece of rock, surrounded by the sea, in a much wider context, and here on the only planet we have is the possibility. There is no planet B, there is no island B… We, you, we are all part of this possibility, of doing things differently. In this aspect we are all protagonists of this creation of many voices. If balance, respect, tolerance and love unite us, then there is hope. The days of family sharing are approaching, and that’s why we invite you to share the territory with generosity, as a family.
All this is especially necessary because we live in a permanent climate alert. No one with two fingers can forget it or not teach it to their children. We provide a part of the solutions, with humility and will, with the same will shown by the wise plants, which know how to grow towards the right light and environmental conditions.
We are territory, and under this idea, we can make it much more biodiverse, balanced and environmentally sustainable. We won’t go too far, in this new magazine, in addition to telling you about a bazaar and many new products and offers in fruit, vegetables and fresh fish, it should be noted that we also collaborate on projects with a po
sitive environmental impact. The holidays are approaching, a year full of new hopes will begin, so we invite you to accept the challenge of facing problems with wit and calmness. We all have a lot to improve, but we are on the way, motivated by the harmony that causes us to work for a new way of local production. Thanks for joining.
Health and joy!