During the month of October, the VII edition of the event “Football for Equality” was celebrated, promoted by its founder and president, Tatiana Ferrer.
This is the third consecutive year that Agromart has collaborated by offering its best products and supporting the initiative, which is sponsored by numerous personalities from the sports world.
This year, the event has been attended by the writer and content creator, Andrea Menéndez; the Queens League footballer, Ari Sáez; and the former first division footballer, Carlos Kameni.

An opportunity for everyone
“Fútbol para la igualdad” aims to end social and gender inequalities so that all women and children have an opportunity in the sports world, leaving a positive impact on society and sowing a more just and equal future.
It promotes women’s football, offers scholarships to athletes at risk of social exclusion, and educates on values to end racism, sexism, and inequalities.

A great impact
Since its first edition, this initiative has benefited more than 15,000 people locally, nationally, and internationally, with special attention to children who suffer from gender inequalities and lack of opportunities due to their family situation.
“Fútbol para la igualdad” is supported by the Balearic Football Federation, and its social actions are deployed throughout the territory with numerous volunteers collaborating in the cause. In the Balearic Islands, the event is held in Sóller for four days.

Committed to social actions
Agromart patrocina o col·labora amb nombrosos projectes socials oferint suport econòmic o una gran varietat dels nostres millors productes. Sobretot, fruita, fruits secs i sucs ecològics. Passa per una de les nostres 22 botigues repartides per tota l’illa de Mallorca i no t’oblidis de visitar el nostre apartat d’ofertes, on hi podràs trobar productes d’Agromart i molts més productes en oferta. No et perdis aquesta oportunitat!
Agromart sponsors or collaborates with numerous social projects by offering economic support or a wide variety of our best products, especially fruits, dried fruits, and organic juices. Visit one of our 22 stores spread across the island of Mallorca and don’t forget to check out our offers section, where you can find Agromart products and many more products on sale. Don’t miss this opportunity!