Pickled fish
- Catshark can also be dogfish, stripe
- Onion
- Garlic
- Artichokes
- Carrot
- Cauliflower
- Olive oil
- Flour
- Water
- Vinegar
- White wine
- Laurel
- Paprika
- Chili pepper
Cut the fish into pieces of about 5 cm, add salt and pepper to taste. Before frying pass it through flour.
Peel the onions and cut them into julienne.
Arrange the artichokes and cut them, there should be 8 or 10 pieces.
Cut the cauliflower into not too thick bunches.
Peel the carrot and cut it into slices.
Put the oil on the fire in a frying pan and fry the fish, when it is coloured, store it in a saucepan. Strain this oil and clean the pan with kitchen paper.
Reuse this oil and fry the ingredients, each time they are cooked, strain them over the fish forming layers, reuse the oil until you finish frying everything. Put two tablespoons of oil in the frying pan, fry a chilli pepper (optional), a head of garlic, two tablespoons of flour and when a bay leaf is toasted, a small tablespoon of cortin cap paprika, 1/2 glass of vinegar, 1/2 glass of white wine, a glass of water (if you want it smoother add 1/2 more glass of water). Stir continuously, no lumps should form. Add salt and when it is boiling stop the fire. Wait for it to cool down a bit and put it inside a tray making sure that the vegetables are covered.
We let it rest (it’s better if we leave it for a day).
And… good profit!!!

La cuina de
Maria Verger
Recipes are like flight instructions, they take us from food and ingredients to wonderful dishes. And thanks to the good hand in the kitchen of Maria Verger, we can offer you a special selection of recipes.

This homemade pickled catshark recipe is very simple and traditional, it can be made with any fish you like.