Currently, only 25% of the fruit and vegetable products that are marketed in the Islands are of Balearic origin.
At Agromart we work every day to try to reverse this trend and honor the local product.
Understand Mallorca local farmers
The objective of Agromart has always been to dignify Balearic farming, offering a product of maximum quality and zero kilometer. We cultivate with passion and respect local and native products in the fields that we have distributed in the municipalities of Porreres and Felanitx. We get up every day with this fixation: to offer our customers as many local products as possible. Those that define us as a Mediterranean society, such as the ramellet tomato or the ‘Sineus’ peach, among many others.

Rooted on Mallorca
We will continue to produce local, proximity and seasonal products, rooted in our origins and our way of being, from here, to try to counteract this trend and to be self-sufficient. Sowing here is taking care of the soil and the landscape, loving the island that has seen us born and has fed us for centuries.

Our actions define us
Agromart dona suport a la iniciativa de l’Associació de Varietats Locals de Mallorca de crear un distintiu comú per a les varietats locals. Aquesta entitat fa feina per recuperar les varietats autòctones d’hortalissa, llegums, cereals i fruiters. I és per això que també ens hem unit amb la Cooperativa de Sóller, per comercialitzar els seus cítrics a les nostres botigues repartides per tota l’illa. Per a Agromart, els agricultors locals són el motor d’aquesta terra.
Agromart supports the initiative of the Association of Local Varieties of Mallorca to create a common label for local varieties. This entity works to recover the native varieties of vegetables, legumes, cereals and fruit trees. And that is why we have also joined the Sóller Cooperative, to market their citrus fruits in our stores spread throughout the island. For Agromart, local farmers are the engine of this island.

At Agromart you will find a wide variety of local fruits and vegetables. Visit one of our 21 stores spread throughout the island of Mallorca and don’t forget to check out our offers section, where you can find Agromart products and many more products on sale. Don’t miss this opportunity!